Monday, September 8, 2008

Explaining the New Horizons logo


This is Dana Bates, Founder of New Horizons. I want to say a bit about our logo both the design and the text. The compass symbolizes the importance of values through the metaphor of orientation in that life is orientated and given direction through values. The social capital paradigm gives ample evidence that life flourishes on all levels--even economic--when strong social values (integrity, honesty, trust, compassion) persist. Thus life "flies high", symbolized through the eagle or bird as the compass needle, when social and interpersonal values are strong.

Thus the social capital reference points toward the relational, social and communal aspects of existence or human flourishing. But is this adequate? What about the individual? Is the individual merely a function of the group? This was the error of Communism and by losing the individual they eventually lost the community a well. The Capabilities Approach on the other hand gives stronger weight to individual development and flourishing, human agency and views communal forms of life in light of their ability to promote individual human flourishing.

Thus we are left with two ideas that are often viewed as incompatible, each with strengths and weaknesses: the fundamental importance of the individual and the fundamental importance of community. In most political philosophy and development theory, these are in tension and there is the permanent temptation to reduce one to the other. Yet our contention is that human development must be (inter)personal, giving full weight to both aspects of our existence.

Now, do these "values" or concerns connect with theology--and if so where and how? This will be a major question of this semester abroad program, linking and correlating development philosophy with Eastern Orthodox theology.

We are glad you are with us!

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